Jan Henry

The Library Paintings

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November 2013, VIctoria Independant Publishers' Library, Taste Coffee Shop
November 2013, VIctoria Independant Publishers' Library, Taste Coffee Shop
October 2013, Private Library, Lalbenque, France
October 2013, Private Library, Lalbenque, France
September 2013, Alan Batey Library, Camosun College
September 2013, Alan Batey Library, Camosun College
August 2013, Vancouver Island School of Art Library
August 2013, Vancouver Island School of Art Library
July 2013, Esquimalt Library
July 2013, Esquimalt Library
June 2013, Limpley Stoke Phonebox Library
June 2013, Limpley Stoke Phonebox Library
May 2013, Nellie McClung Library
May 2013, Nellie McClung Library
April 2013, Oak Bay Library
April 2013, Oak Bay Library
March 2013, La Quinta Library, CA
March 2013, La Quinta Library, CA
Feb 2013, Central Victoria Library
Feb 2013, Central Victoria Library
January 2013, Centennial Library
January 2013, Centennial Library